API Reference

This is a complete reference to Image Map Pro's API. It is intended for developers who want to integrate Image Map Pro into their own applications and add custom functionality.


This is a list of all HTML attributes provided by Image Map Pro. For an example of how can you use them, please see the API section of this documentation.

HTML Attribute Description
data-imp-highlight-object-on-mouseover When a user triggers a mouseover event on this element, the plugin will highlight an object. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-unhighlight-object-on-mouseover When a user triggers a mouseover event on this element, the plugin will unhighlight an object. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-highlight-object-on-click When a user triggers a click event on this element, the plugin will highlight an object. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-unhighlight-object-on-click When a user triggers a click event on this element, the plugin will unhighlight an object. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-show-tooltip-on-mouseover When a user triggers a mouseover event on this element, the plugin will open an object's tooltip. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-show-tooltip-on-click When a user triggers a click event on this element, the plugin will open an object's tooltip. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-hide-tooltip-on-mouseover When a user triggers a mouseover event on this element, the plugin will hide an object's tooltip. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-hide-tooltip-on-click When a user triggers a click event on this element, the plugin will hide an object's tooltip. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-trigger-object-on-mouseover When a user triggers a mouseover event on this element, the plugin will highlight an object and open its tooltip. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-trigger-object-on-click When a user triggers a click event on this element, the plugin will highlight an object and open its tooltip. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-untrigger-object-on-mouseover When a user triggers a mouseover event on this element, the plugin will unhighlight an object and hide its tooltip. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-untrigger-object-on-click When a user triggers a click event on this element, the plugin will unhighlight an object and hide its tooltip. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-focus-object-on-mouseover When a user triggers a mouseover event on this element, the plugin will zoom into an object, if zooming is enabled. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-focus-object-on-click When a user triggers a click event on this element, the plugin will zoom into an object, if zooming is enabled. The value of the attribute represents the title of the object.
data-imp-change-artboard When a user triggers a click event on this element, the plugin will change the currently active artboard. Then value of the attribute represents the title of the artboartd.

JavaScript Functions

Functions in Image Map Pro's API are used when you want to make a change in the interactive image. For example if you want to open a tooltip or highlight an object, you need to use an API Function. For usage examples please see the API section of this documentation.

Function Name Description
ImageMapPro.highlightObject(imageName, objectTitle) Highlight an object with a title of objectTitle on an image named imageName.
ImageMapPro.unhighlightObject(imageName, objectTitle) Unhighlight an object with a title of objectTitle on an image named imageName.
ImageMapPro.focusObject(imageName, objectTitle) Zoom into an object with a title of objectTitle on an image named imageName, if zooming is enabled.
ImageMapPro.showTooltip(imageName, objectTitle) Shows the tooltip of an object with a title of objectTitle on an image named imageName.
ImageMapPro.hideTooltip(imageName, objectTitle) Hides the tooltip of an object with a title of objectTitle on an image named imageName.
ImageMapPro.reInitMap(imageName) Reinitializes an image named imageName.
ImageMapPro.isMobile() Returns true if the user is using a mobile browser, or false if he is not. This is the same check that the plugin does in order to determine it fullscreen tooltips are necessary. This function is useful if you want to make adjustments to the contents of the tooltips, or anything else when the user is on a mobile device.
ImageMapPro.changeArtboard(imageName, artboardTitle) Switches to artboard with a title of objectTartboardTitleitle on an image named imageName.
ImageMapPro.zoomIn(imageName) Zooms in on an image named imageName.
ImageMapPro.zoomOut(imageName) Zooms out on an image named imageName.
ImageMapPro.flashObjects(imageName) Triggers the "flash" pageload animation on an image named imageName.

JavaScript Hooks

Hooks are useful when you want to listen to actions that happen on the image, for example when the user has highlighted a specific object. For usage examples please see the API section of this documentation.

To subscribe to hooks:

ImageMapPro.subscribe((action) => {
  if (action.type === 'actionType') {
    // Do something
Action Type Payload

action.payload.map - The name of the image that triggered the action.


action.payload.map - The name of the image that triggered the action.

action.payload.object - The title of the object that got highlighted.


action.payload.map - The name of the image that triggered the action.

action.payload.object - The title of the object that got unhighlighted.


action.payload.map - The name of the image that triggered the action.

action.payload.object - The title of the object that got clicked.


action.payload.map - The name of the image that triggered the action.

action.payload.object - The title of the object, to which the tooltip that just showed belongs to.


action.payload.map - The name of the image that triggered the action.

action.payload.object - The title of the object, to which the tooltip that just closed belongs to.


action.payload.map - The name of the image that triggered the action.

action.payload.object - The title of the currently active artboard.


action.payload.map - The name of the image that triggered the action.

action.payload.zoom - The current zoom level of the image map.

action.payload.pan.x - The current pan in the X axis.

action.payload.pan.y - The current pan in the Y axis.